Delectable Dry Fish Recipe

Welcome, adventurous foodies. Today, we’re diving into the deep end of the ocean with a variety of dried fish delights. Grab your aprons and your sense of humour, because this journey is going to be as fun as it is flavourful!


 Ingredients To Make The Dried Fish Delight

  • 500g dry fish (nethili karuvadu, dried bombay duck (or suke bombil), dried shark fish Anchovy sardine for an extra zing or Salted dried cod fish (like Reef Cod, Hamour or Kalava) for a unique twist – take your pick!)Try FreshToHome range dry fish– it’s formalin & ammonia free, sun-Dried in a healthy fashion unlike smoked dry fish which has bad side effects on the body. It’s also relatively low in sodium content when compared to other salt fish available in the market.
  • 2 tablespoons tamarind paste
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, sliced
  • 2 lemongrass stalks, bruised
  • 5-6 dried red chilies, soaked in warm water and blended
  • 2 fresh red chilies, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon shrimp paste (belacan)
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 small pineapple, cut into chunks (because pineapple is always a party)
  • 2 tomatoes, quartered
  • Fresh coriander for garnish

The Fun-Filled, Step-by-Step Cooking Guide for making dry fish curry

Soak the Dry Fish
First things first – our star players (the dry fish) need a little pampering. Soak your chosen dry fish in water for about 10-30 minutes to soften them up. Think of this as their spa day.

The Tamarind Tang
In a bowl, mix the tamarind paste with water to create a tamarind juice. This tangy elixir is the backbone of our dish, adding that signature sour kick to our spicy fish.

An Aromatic Adventure
Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the chopped onions, minced garlic, sliced ginger, and bruised lemongrass. Sauté until the onions are translucent and your kitchen smells like the best kind of chaos.


Finely chopped onions and lemon grass frying in a pan, the initial stage of dried fish recipe.
Sizzling onions and lemon grass in a pan

Spice It Up
Now add the blended dried red chilies and shrimp paste. Stir well to combine, and cook for about 5 minutes until the oil starts to separate from the chilli paste. If you’re starting to sweat a bit, you’re on the right track!

Add the Tamarind Juice
Pour the tamarind juice into the pot, stirring to combine all the aromatic ingredients. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. The sour tang of the tamarind will start to mingle beautifully with the spicy chilli paste.

Simmer the Fish
Gently add your pre-soaked dry fish into the pot. Be careful not to stir too vigorously to avoid breaking the fish. Let them soak up the tangy, spicy goodness for about 10 minutes. This is where the magic happens.

Add Tomato Tang
Throw in quartered tomatoes to the spicy broth. Simmer for another 5-10 minutes until everything is cooked through and the flavours are well blended.

Season to Perfection
Add sugar and salt to taste. Adjust the seasoning until you achieve the perfect balance of sour, spicy, and sweet. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves before serving. 

Serve It Up In Style
The dried Fish pairs beautifully with steamed white rice, which helps to balance the bold flavours. You can also serve it with a side of fresh vegetables or a simple cucumber salad for a refreshing contrast.

Cooking Tips and Trivia

Fish Variety
While we’ve highlighted a few dry fish options, feel free to experiment. Nethili karuvadu (dried anchovy) adds a distinct umami flavour, while dried Bombay duck and dried shark fish bring their unique textures and tastes.

Fish textures
There’s an interesting version that can be made called Karuvadu fry or nethili karuvadu fry. Instead of simmering the fish, we fry it for 5 mins until golden brown and then add it to the gravy..

Spice Levels
Adjust the heat to your preference. If you prefer a milder dish, reduce the number of dried chilies or use milder fresh chilies. For those who love a fiery kick, add more chilies or a dash of chilli powder.

Dried Fish tastes even better the next day as the flavours continue to meld together. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator and reheat gently before serving. It’s like having a flavour explosion in your fridge!

A Versatile Vivacious Feast

Final and finished plating of dried fish cakes
Dried Cod Fish Cakes/Cutlets

Dry fish recipes are like culinary globetrotters, jet-setting across the world to tantalise taste buds in the most exciting ways! Picture this: from the spicy sass of dried bombay duck recipe in India to the comforting cuddle of dried cod recipes in Europe, these dishes are passport-stamped with flavour. And let’s not forget the rhythm and spice of African dried fish recipes, adding a dance of delight to every bite.

Feeling fancy?

How about sinking your teeth into crispy dried cod fish cakes, a Caribbean delight that’s like a tropical party in your mouth! And oh, the adventure continues with Chinese dried fish recipes from the Far east where dry fish is stir-fried to a flavourful delicacy called chilli fish dry.

So buckle up, taste buds, because with dried fish recipes, the world is your oyster… or should we say, your cod, your bombay duck, your… you get the drift!


Nikita Goswami
FreshToHome Customer, Since 2023
Fish Lover & Weekend Home Chef