Mutton Pepper Fry Recipe

Let’s go on a tantalising journey through the spicy corridors of South Indian cuisine with the legendary Mutton Pepper Fry/Mutton Pepper Dry! This dish isn’t just a meal; it’s a flavorful saga that traces back to the times when black pepper was the crown jewel of royal kitchens. The dish evolved over centuries, with various regions adding their own unique twists, resulting in multiple delightful versions such as mutton pepper dry, mutton pepper masala, mutton pepper roast, and mutton pepper curry.

So, buckle up and let’s dive into the peppery past of this delicious delight!

The Spicy Ensemble: Ingredients Galore!

A plate of fresh tilapia mutton curry cut surrounded by ingredients garlic, tomatoes, dry red chillies, green chilly, turmeric for preparing mutton pepper dry fry recipe
Fresh Antibiotic-Residue-Free Mutton From FreshToHome

Gather ’round, spice hunters! Here’s what you need for your mutton pepper fry extravaganza:

  • Mutton (bone-in or boneless): 1 kg of juicy FreshToHome Premium Tender Goat Curry Cut. The succulent pieces come from a young male goat that is 6-8 months old with meat so tender that it will melt in your mouth!
  • Onions: 3 large, finely sliced to perfection.
  • Tomatoes: 2 medium, chopped with precision.
  • Ginger-Garlic Paste: 2 tablespoons for that aromatic zing.
  • Green Chilies: 4-5, slit and ready to spice things up.
  • Curry Leaves: A handful of aromatic bliss.
  • Black Peppercorns: 2 tablespoons of the spice that rules them all.
  • Turmeric Powder: 1 teaspoon for that golden glow.
  • Coriander Powder: 2 teaspoons to coriander the competition.
  • Cumin Powder: 1 teaspoon of cumin-ate on those flavours.
  • Garam Masala Powder: 1 teaspoon to add that masala magic.
  • Fennel Seeds: 1 teaspoon for a hint of sweetness.
  • Mustard Seeds: 1 teaspoon to MUSTARd up some courage.
  • Coconut Oil: 4 tablespoons (or any cooking oil) to oil the wheels of culinary creativity.
  • Salt: To taste because life without salt is like a dish without pepper.
  • Fresh Coriander Leaves: For the final flourish!

Cooking Instructions: Let’s Get Frying!

Marinate to Perfection
Let’s give that mutton a spa day it won’t forget:

  • Clean and pat dry the mutton pieces.
  • Mix ’em up with ginger-garlic paste, turmeric, salt, and a dash of black pepper.
  • Marinate for at least an hour, or if you can’t wait, do it overnight for maximum flavour fusion!

Sauté and Sizzle
Time to heat things up:

  • Heat coconut oil and let those mustard and fennel seeds sizzle like culinary fireworks.
  • Add curry leaves, green chillies, and ginger-garlic paste for that aromatic symphony.
  • Caramelise those onions until they’re golden brown and ready to steal the show.
  • Toss in tomatoes and spices, and let them mingle and dance until aromatic bliss fills the air!

Bring It All Together
Let’s seal the deal:

  • Add the marinated mutton and let it cosy up with the onion-tomato fiesta.
  • Cook low and slow until the mutton is tender and bursting with flavour.
  • Finish with a flurry of coconut oil, garam masala, and a pinch of salt, stirring until perfection is achieved.
  • Garnish with fresh coriander leaves because we believe in saving the best for last!

Variations on a Pepper Theme: Spice It Up!

Eeral Pepper Fry: A Delightful Offal Adventure

Prepare your taste buds for a thrilling ride with eeral pepper fry! This offal variant swaps out traditional mutton for succulent mutton liver, delivering a flavour revolution. The liver’s richness and tender texture elevate the dish to new heights of culinary bliss. Each bite is a symphony of savoury flavours, leaving you craving for more of this irresistible delicacy.

Mutton Brain Pepper Fry: A Journey to Creamy, Peppery Bliss

Final and finished plating of mutton pepper dry fry on a banana leaf with onion and lemon on side
Succulent pieces of mutton pepper dry fry served on a banana leaf

Dare to be adventurous with mutton brain pepper fry! Swap out the conventional mutton for creamy lamb brains, unlocking a realm of indulgent flavours. Cooked separately to perfection, these brains are then integrated into the dish, infusing it with a luxurious creaminess and a peppery kick that tantalises the senses. It’s a treat that stimulates both the mind and the palate.

Mutton Chops Pepper Fry: Gnawing on Greatness

Sink your teeth into bone-in bliss with mutton chops pepper fry! The inclusion of bones adds an extra layer of depth to the dish, infusing it with rich, meaty flavours that satisfy the soul. Each tender chop is coated in a symphony of spices, creating a culinary experience that is as satisfying as it is unforgettable. Get ready to gnaw on greatness!

Mutton Pepper Fry Restaurant Style
: A Peppery Extravaganza

Elevate your mutton fry game with a restaurant-style twist! Just before finishing the dish, sprinkle in a generous tablespoon of freshly ground black pepper for an intense peppery kick that sets taste buds ablaze. This bold addition takes the dish to new heights of flavour, transforming it into a fiery masterpiece that demands attention.

Mutton Pepper Fry Sanjeev Kapoor Style: A Celebrity Chef’s Touch

Indulge in the culinary finesse of celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor with his signature mutton pepper fry style! Infused with a pinch of fennel powder and cooked in aromatic ghee instead of coconut oil, this rendition offers a rich, earthy flavour profile that is simply irresistible. Prepare to experience a symphony of tastes curated by a master of the culinary arts.

Spice Up Your Culinary Journey

With this mutton pepper fry recipe, you’re not just cooking; you’re crafting a culinary masterpiece that’ll have your taste buds doing the happy dance! you’ve unlocked the secrets to a dish that’s as rich in history as it is in flavour. So, gather your ingredients, unleash your inner spice wizard, and get ready for a journey that’s as peppery as it is unforgettable!

Nikita Goswami
FreshToHome Customer, Since 2023
Food Lover & Weekend Homechef