Prawn being banned in India – ACT NOW and Spread the Word!

Dear Friends
Government of India wants to ban a number of important things in our life – rumour has it that Prawn is next on the list. A number of entrepreneurs have joined hands and started a company to protest against this rising concern and eat all Prawn before they get banned. To this end they are offering insane discounts such as Rs 198 for fresh prawn in Bangalore. Please check their prawn site and order some good prawn before it goes away. Please also like their FB page
They are also giving away Rs. 100 in donations for every referral to support this cause Please spread the word on Whatsapp, FB and any other social or non-social channels available to you – Please do your duty by forwarding this email to all possible groups/contacts that you have.
Fate of all hardcore prawns depend on you!
Jai Prawn, Jai India!
Chief Prawn-erian
#freshtohome #banned #nextbanidea #ban #bangalore
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