Cooking Instruction:
Malabar Parota: Heat the tawa/pan on medium flame. Cook one parota at a time on the pan for at least 60 secs, each side, with ghee. After cooking, place the parota on a flat surface. Use both hands and pat on the edges of the parota to separate the layers.
SeerFish / Neymeen / Surmai - Head & Tail Curry:
* Unpack the marinated fish pack.
* Transfer to a bowl and scrape off the remaining marinade into the bowl.
* Mix the marinade to coat the pieces well.
* Heat up a thick bottom sauce pan or an earthen pot.
* Add a tsp of coconut oil and slide the contents from the bowl into the pan.
* Stir the mixture and allow the gravy to thicken.
* Add 100 ml of water and stir, so that the gravy mixes well.
* Allow to cook for 5 minutes with a lid on.
* Keep stirring and allow the gravy to thicken.
* Check the seasoning and switch off the flame and allow the gravy to rest for 10 minutes.